Saturday, January 2, 2010

Powerful Information on Niacin

Niacin is My Favorite Vitamin...

In my Early 20's I Read L. Ron Hubbard's Book Dianetics, it was a big Read and much off it was not absorbed at the time, however no almost 20 years later I still remember the Profound impact the Niacin information in that Book Had on Me. To be able to take a vitamin, a natural nutrient and Flush out Radiation is powerful information. To have this "Flushing" take the shape of a bathing suit, a t-shirt or whatever you were wearing last time you were sun burned is shocking... Niacin Opens up your Blood Flow and lets those Toxins move on out.. Flushing Niacin is Amazing.. Find out as Much as you Can About It..

Start HERE
Niacin - the "Educated" Vitamin

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