Saturday, January 9, 2010

Breast Cancer And Iodine Deficiency

"The breasts are one of the body's main storage sites for iodine.

In an iodine deficient state, the thyroid gland and the breasts will compete for what little iodine is available, which will leave the thyroid gland and the breasts iodine depleted thus could set the stage for illnesses such as goiter, hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroid illness, and breast illnesses including cancer and Cystic fibrosis breast disease. In addition other glandular tissues, such as the ovaries, which contain the second highest concentration of iodine in the body, will also be depleted.

The connection between iodine deficiency and breast cancer, as well as
Fibrocystic breast disease is strong.

Breast cancer (like prostate cancer) is occurring at epidemic rates. Currently one in seven women is affected. Prostate cancer affects one in three men. Although there are numerous reasons for the development of cancer, the research is clear; iodine deficiency is a major piece of the puzzle.

Iodine deficiency has also been associated with other cancers, including ovarian, uterine and thyroid cancer. It is imperative to have your iodine level checked as a part of any anti-cancer program. "

Source of Post
Magnascent Iodine


There is an extensive body of research and theory on iodine and the breast.

The breast contains NIS (Sodium-Iodide Symporter) receptors and is known to concentrate iodine in the excreted milk. Iodine is considered important for proper breast structure and health.

Research today focuses on (1) fibrocystic breast disease, (2) breast cancer, (3) iodine metabolism and (4) relationships between thyroid issues and the breast.

Molecular Iodine (I2) is the preferred form of iodine for the breast according to Ghent and Eskin, who conducted many of the fundamental research studies on iodine and the breast.

Shrivastava recently published (2006) another ground-breaking study on I2 and the breast, studying exactly how I2 works at the cellular level in breast cancer.

Kessler has researched the effects of supraphysiologic levels of iodine on breast pain and has written a thought-provoking paper on iodine's mechanism of action. He is presently conducting a large-scale Phase III trial on I2 (IoGen) and fibrocystic breast disease. If you, or women you know, are interested in participating in this well-designed nationwide study, you can contact them here.

Smyth has explored the relationship between iodine, the thyroid, and the breast.

Venturi has looked at iodine from the point of view of evolution.

Carrasco, et al, who are known for their ground-breaking work with the NIS transporter that makes it possible for iodide to get into a cell, have written about the NIS in breast cancer.

Clur has explored how iodine, T2, and rT3 may be related to estrogen (and other) receptors, and thus related to breast cancer.

Hartman looked at the relationship between benign breast disease and the risk of breast cancer.

Derry is a Canadian doctor who has focused on iodine and breast cancer. He has written a very thought-provoking theoretical book based in clinical practice called Breast Cancer and Iodine: How to Prevent and How to Survive Breast Cancer.

The website has many resources on iodine and the breast, as well as a large, active email forum called Amazon-L for people interested in alternative approaches to breast cancer. They are conducting the Iodine Investigation Project to explore: (1) whether there is a connection between iodine deficiency and breast cancer and (2) whether remedying that deficiency by iodine supplementation can reduce recurrence.
Breast Cancer, Iodine Deficiency,

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