Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Stop the FDA Reign of Terror !! Stand Up for Those Who Heal with Herbs that Are Set Up, Beaten, Run Out, Jailed ...

Gee if the FDA Says it Don't Cure Cancer then Why are So many Still ALIVE years after their Cancer Doctors Lies Sentenced them to Death? Why is the FDA above all Civil Rights, ALL Laws, all due process? WHY does the FDA not have to adhere to the Constitution What So Ever?
Folks ENOUGH is ENOUGH... for Far to Long Healers like Harry Hoxsey have been Abused and Run out of this Country. Many who Really DO Cure Cancer with Alkaline Therapies, Peroxide Therapies, Bloodroot, Cancer Salves, Oxygen Therapies, Essiac Tea, Powerful Aloe Vera Plants, and Many More Cures that do not require Radiation and Removing Body Parts... well these Folks have been Put in their Place for Far to Long and it Truly is Your Watch Now.

The Only Way to End the FDA Reign of Terror is to Start Speaking Out, Blog About, Make Videos, Talk about.
SO many of you have Cured Cancer in Your Own way, you are afraid to talk about it because you are shut down.. and many have been threatened by the FDA. But if you really did Cure Yourself Naturally, then Why is it Illegal to Talk about it.. ?

I Love Cancer Salves, they Work.... Alkaline Therapy Works and No Matter How many times the FDA Threatens me, no Matter How many Healers are Jailed ... no Matter how much Propaganda and Lies are put out .. and no matter how many the FDA beats, Kills and runs out of business... well the Truth will Remain the Truth.. these things Really have Cured Millions of Cancer over Centuries...
SO the FDA will Keep on you All, shut you up and even Kill some of you.. but I will tell ya What... Cancer Salves Cure Cancer NO Matter how many People the FDA Kill that Tell you about it.....
The FDA let's you be Tortured and then Die anyway of diseases such as Cancer and Heart Disease. When the FDA knows Damn well these things can be cured.
But if you say that and Sell a Product that Can DO this, well the FDA shuts you up - shuts you down, tears up your shop, and puts you on the Run. The FDA wants you to Pay Cancer Doctors to Mutilate you, Radiate You, Poisen You and Drug you BEFORE you Then Die anyway... this way the Big Pharma can get Paid First and they can all Make Lots of Money on the Cruelty of Killing You.

Heart Disease - Easily Cured... Cancer - Yes Curable.. But Wait.. Your Not allowed to Talk about it.. and those who Sell the Product if they Dare say to you what it REALLY does then they are Run Out of Business...
Millions of You World Wide Know that these Herbs Really do Cure. .. if you do NOT Speak up NOW and end the FDA Reign of Terror then Soon all Herbs, Natural Cures and REAL known Cures will Be Illegal Forever and you will be FORCED to Stop Gardening, you will have to Illegally Grow Bloodroot to Cure Cancer ... and well the FDA can arrest you without even a Fair Trial and now that the Internet Is So Engrained in Our Lives, well now it is not enough to Run Real Healers Out of the Country, now the FDA has to Go Get them and Bring them back here to make an Example out of them to put the Fear in any one of you Who Think that you might trying CURING CANCER with a Simple Ointment...

Who Gave the FDA the Power, the Permission to Kill Us ????????
To Sentence Us to a Painful Slow Death and Paying Big Corporations, Oncologists, and Cancer Doctors while we Die Suffering.. .. when there has ALWAYS been a Cure for Cancer... the Native Americans had Cancer, it is Natural.. it has a Natural Cure... you are being Deceived... How Long will You Take it ? If the FDA wants Us Dead, just Give a Pill To Kill Them instead of Approving Drugs that Torture them First.

The FDA Lies over and over and they actually imprison people for curing people... like a medicine man jail.. Illegal to Make you Feel Good, to Heal You ... to Make you Healthy.. WHAT!!!
If the FDA kills and or Jails all the Herbalists, all the Real Healers and you are forced to use ONLY the QUACKS that the FDA Reccomends well this is No Life .. and ya know what even if the FDA does KILL all those WHO have the Balls to Tell you that THEY really Can Cure Cancer well Guess What it Does not Change the FACT that they did cure cancer, and that there are tons of natural ways to cure cancer.... yet the Oncologist - the Cancer Doctor can lie to you constantly and ruin your life .. all the while sucking your bank account dry and it is Illegal for your to CURE Cancer Yourself or CURE your Kid of Cancer.. hmmm.. and they Say you Live in a Free Country, they Say the GO to war for your Freedom... BULL....

You are NOT a FREE Society in ANY way if you are NOT allowed by BIG DADDY FDA to Cure Yourself of Your Disease and Make Decisions for your Own BODY based on the FACTS of Cures and NOT based on Phoney Studies, and Big Pharma Lies ALL for Corrupt GREED, Money and Control over Your Entire Life.

Speak UP NOW .... the FDA Reign of TERROR is Over
WHEN you the PEOPLE Say it is OVER.

What is More Important to a Free Society, the Quality of Life of the People in it or the Money to Be Made By the Power Elite Corporations and The Power they Hold over the People that they are Deliberatley Making to Suffer and Dies Painful Deaths?
Stop them from Lying to You and Controlling you, as you lay Suffering and Dying from Something that Can Be Cured... STOP the FDA Reign of Terror...
Write on our Blogs or Email me a Link to your Blog
Speak Out and DO not let the FDA Hurt any more
of our True Healers...
You are NOT Flesh and Blood...
You are An FDA Commodity
a Number....
bought and SOLD to the Power Elite..
You are not a Loving, Feeling BODY
you are an Experiment, you are Their Power,
their Money and you are Certainly Dispensable.
This FDA War on the Bodies of
All Citizens Leaves a
Hell of a Lot of
Collateral Damage.

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