Thursday, January 23, 2020

Psychic Healer. Shamanic Energy Healer. Energy Therapies ~ Biofield Healing. Reverend Crystal Cox Psychic Healer

Energy Healing Article from Perspective of the Medical Industry. Pretty Good, All things Considered. Certainly don't agree with it all, still good stuff.

"Energy therapies consist of interventions that are designed to interact with the biofield of a person. The concept of the biofield is based on the assumption that all living things have a natural flow of energy that is integral to their basic composition.[1–4] This principle stems from the interchangeability of energy and matter (E = mc2).[5]

The biofield of a person is part of the body, and it extends beyond the physical body in the form of energy. The concept of energy flowing through and around the physical body has a long-standing history and is the basis for various ancient healing practices and many complementary and alternative therapies.[1–4]

The biofield is often referred to, both historically and in the current literature, as chi, ki, qi, aura, prana, mana, and human energy field, among other terms.[1,3,6–9 ] Ki-energy, or the biofield, is described as “invisible psychophysical energy”[7] and “energy, force, vitality, and strength.”[6] The biofield is noted to be an integral part of human beings and nature. Healthcare modalities commonly utilized in Asian countries often interact with the biofield,[6,10] as the biofield is believed to influence both physical and mental health.[3,6,7,10] In Eastern tradition, the biofield is viewed from a holistic perspective rather than the mind–body dichotomy of Western tradition.[7,10]

Energy therapies/interventions are common practice for many cultural groups, including, but not limited to, Africans,[11] Chinese,[10,12] Japanese,[7] Koreans,[6] Vietnamese,[13] and Native Americans.[14] Integration of energy therapies with other complementary therapies is increasing in Western cultures as well.[15–19] Complementary and alternative therapies that interact with the biofield include Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, qi gong, acupuncture, acupressure, and others.[14]


The energy therapies are based on the assumption that physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual illness or injury will manifest in both the physical body and the biofield. The intent of energy therapies is to restore the balance of energy to the biofield, thus promoting health, healing, and general well-being.[14] 

Energy therapies such as Healing Touch, Reiki, and Therapeutic Touch are practitioner-dependent. The therapist seeks to restore balance to the biofield by using his or her hands, with or without light touch on/over the body, to clear disturbances and facilitate a natural flow of energy. The facilitation of a balanced biofield is thought to optimize the body’s own ability to heal.[3,20]


The use of energy therapies potentially has very broad application, from promotion of relaxation, general health, and well-being, to treatment for symptoms of chronic conditions. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)[8] identifies anecdotal evidence supporting the efficacy of biofield therapies for a wide variety of health problems, such as asthma, hypertension, arthritis, acute pain, chronic pain, wound healing, stress, and anxiety. Many nurses trained in energy modalities will incorporate the practice as part of routine nursing care, such as directing or sending energy to a patient during a procedure or while assisting with activities of daily living, such as bathing.

Education and training in energy therapies are varied and usually involve multiple levels of classes and practice. For example, Healing Touch certification is offered through Healing Touch International,[21] (a program endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association) or the Healing Touch Program,[22] and it involves a rigorous program of study over a period of 2 years or more, as well as working with a mentor for at least 1 year, in addition to other requirements.


Energy therapies remain one of the most challenging and controversial areas of CAM therapies, as there is no accepted proof or biologic measure of the biofield.[8] Several studies have been published evaluating various energy therapies. Unfortunately, many of the studies lack rigor. Therefore, there is a paucity of well-designed research evaluating energy therapies.

Case reports and pilot-level data have been published supporting the benefit of energy therapies in cancer care for palliation of cancer symptoms and treatment-related side effects. Areas that have shown promise include: Reiki for cancer-related fatigue, anxiety, overall improvement in quality of life,[23] and decreased pain[23,24]; Therapeutic Touch for anxiety[25]; and Healing Touch for mood disturbance,[26] fatigue,[27–30] nausea,[29] pain,[26,27] side-effect bother,[30] vitality,[27] and physical functioning and well-being.[27,30]

Jain and Mills recently published a “best evidence” synthesis in which they reviewed 66 published research studies on various energy therapies.[31] Their review identifies evidence to support use of energy therapies in cancer patients for acute pain, but it found conflicting evidence for use in cancer patients in regard to fatigue, quality of life, nonacute pain, and physiologic response of relaxation. Overall, many of the studies evaluating energy therapies are methodologically weak. While a number of randomized placebo-controlled studies are being completed, additional large, randomized, placebo-controlled trials are still needed.

Findings from two small randomized, placebo controlled studies of Healing Touch in women with cancer who were receiving radiation therapy showed similar outcomes in terms of impact on health-related quality of life. The first study, by Cook et al,[27] evaluated Healing Touch in 62 women with breast and gynecological cancers, using the Short Form-36 health-related quality-of-life tool as an outcome measure. Healing Touch was given once weekly over a 4-week period, with a subsequent treatment 4 weeks later. There were significant improvements within both groups for various subscales, but the Healing Touch group had statistically greater improvement than the placebo group (P < .05) in the areas of physical functioning, pain, and vitality.[27]

In the second study, Schnepper and colleagues evaluated Healing Touch in 40 women receiving radiation therapy for early-stage breast cancer, using outcome measures from the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Breast (FACT-B).[30] Participants were randomized to Healing Touch or a placebo treatment, given once per week over a period of 4 to 6 weeks. Over the course of the study, women who received Healing Touch had significant improvement on the FACT-B, compared with those randomized to placebo treatment. The Healing Touch Group had greater improvement on all subscales of the FACT-B vs the placebo group, with significance on the physical-well-being subscale. The Healing Touch group also experienced less fatigue and less treatment-side-effect bother.


Energy therapies have no known appreciable risks. 

Persons receiving an energy therapy sometimes report an increase in energy levels. Theoretically it is possible to overexert oneself after receiving an intervention, which may result in increased fatigue later. This has not been reported in any research findings, however.


With the upsurge in public demand for complementary approaches to health and illness,[17,32] there is growing concern about the value, safety, and efficacy, of many integrative therapies. Definitive research into the benefits of energy therapies and biofield interventions is not yet available. Nevertheless, preliminary data suggest a high safety profile and potential symptom improvement.[4] Energy therapies fit within the body of nursing knowledge and philosophy, because they have a focus of care that incorporates body, mind, and spirit. Thus, as more evidence becomes available, nurses should be poised to integrate energy therapies into patient care.

About Our Guest Editors

Debra Barton, PhD, RN, AOCN, FAAN, is chair of the Education Committee for the Society of Integrative Oncology (SIO) and a board member of SIO.

At the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, her program of research includes clinical trials with herbal and dietary supplements as well as mind-body therapies for symptom management in cancer survivors.

Susan Bauer-Wu, PhD, RN, FAAN, a highly regarded expert in mind-body medicine and psychoneuroimmunology, serves on the board of directors for SIO.

Her research and teaching interests at Emory University include mindfulness meditation and other bio-behavioral approaches for alleviation of symptoms and stress in the context of palliative care and in family and professional caregivers.

Lisa Schnepper, PhD, RNDebra Barton, PhD, RNSusan Bauer-Wu, PhD, RN

July 10, 2010, Volume: 24, Issue: 7

Oncology Nursing, Integrative Oncology


1. Brennan B: Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field. New York, Bantam Books, 1987.

2. Dossey B, Keegan L, Guzzetta C, et al (eds): Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Nursing Practice, 2nd ed. Gaithersburg, MD, Aspen Publishers, Inc., 1995.

3. Hover-Kramer D, Mentgen J, Scandrett-Hibdon S: Healing Touch: A Resource Guide for Health Care Professionals. New York, Delmar Publishers, 1996.

4. Sierpina V: Integrative Health Care. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis, 2001.

5. The Center for History of Physics (1996–2010): E = mc2. Available at: Accessed on June 16, 2010.

6. Chang S: The nature of touch therapy related to Ki: Practitioner’s perspective. Nursing Health Sci 5:103–114, 2003.

7. Nagatomo N: Ki-energy: Invisible psychophysical energy. Asian Philosophy 12(3):173–181.

8. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Energy Medicine: An Overview. 2004. Available at: Accessed on June 16, 2010.

9. Rubik B: The biofield hypothesis: Its biophysical basis and role in medicine. J Altern Complement Med 8(6):703–717, 2002.

10. Korngold E, Beinfield H: Chinese medicine and the mind. Explore 2(4):321–333, 2006.

11. Mpofu E, Harley D: Disability and rehabilitation in Zimbabwe: Lessons and implications for rehabilitation practices in the U.S. J Rehabilitation 68(4):26–33, 2002.

12. Cohen K: The way of qigong: The art and science of Chinese energy healing. New York, Ballantine Books, 1997.

13. Phan T, Silove, D: An overview of indigenous descriptions of mental phenomena and the range of traditional healing practices amongst the Vietnamese. Transcult Psychiatry 36(1):79–94, 1999.

14. Cohen K: Native American Medicine. Altern Ther Health Med 4(6):45–57, 1998.

15. Bausell R, Lee W, Berman B: Demographics and health-related correlates of visits to complementary and alternative medicine providers. Med Care 39(2):190–196, 2001.

16. Barnes P, Powell-Griner E, McFann K, et al: Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults: United States, 2002. Adv Data 343:1–20, 2004.

17. Eisenberg D, Davis R, Ettner S, et al: Trends in alternative medicine use in the United States, 1990–1997: Results of a follow-up national survey. JAMA 280(18):1569–1575, 1998.

18. Kessler R, Davis R, Foster D, et al: Long-Term Trends in the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies in the United States. Ann Intern Med 135(4):262–268, 2001.

19. Tindle H, Davis R, Phillips R, et al: Trends in use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by US Adults: 1997–2002. Altern Ther Health Med 11(1):42–49, 2005.

20. Mentgen J: Healing Touch. Nurs Clin North Am 36(1):143–157, 2001.

21. Healing Touch International: Healing Touch Certificate Program. 2006. Available at: Accessed on June 16, 2010.

22. Healing Touch Program: Healing Touch Program/Classes. Available at: Accessed on June 16, 2010.

23. Tsang K, Carlson L, Olson K: Pilot crossover trial of Reiki vesus rest for treating cancer-related fatigue. Integr Cancer Ther 6:25–35, 2007.

24. Olson K, Hanson J, Michaud M: A phase II trial of Reiki for the management of pain in advanced cancer patients. J Pain Sympt Manage 26:990–997, 2003.

25. Samarel N, Fawcett J, Davis M, et al: Effects of dialogue and Therapeutic Touch on preoperative and post-operative experiences of breast cancer surgery: An exploratory study. Oncol Nurs Forum 25:1369–1376, 1998.

26. Post-White J, Kinney M, Savik K, et al: Therapeutic massage and Healing Touch improve symptoms in cancer. Integr Cancer Ther 2(4):332–344, 2003.

27. Cook C, Guerrerio J, Slater V: Healing Touch and quality of life in women receiving radiation treatment for cancer: A randomized controlled trial. Altern Ther Health Med 10(3):34–41, 2004.

28. Danhauer S, Tooze J, Holder P, et al: Healing Touch as a supportive intervention for adult acute leukemia patients: A pilot investigation of effects on distress and symptoms. J Soc Integ Onc 6(3):89–97, 2008.

29. Jain S, Distefan J, Pavlik D, et al: Biofield vs mock healing for cancer-related fatigue, immune and hormonal function: Effects of treatment guess on outcomes (abstract). Presented at the 6th Annual International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology. New York Academy of Medicine, New York, November 12–13, 2009.

30. Schnepper L: Healing Touch and Health-Related Quality of life in Women with Breast Cancer Receiving Radiation Therapy (doctoral dissertation). University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 2009. Pub no. 3373882.

Available at: . Accessed on June 16, 2010.

31. Jain S, Mills P: Biofield Therapies: Helpful or full of hype? A best evidence synthesis. Int J Behav Med 17:1–16, 2010.

32. Stasen L: The silent health care revolution: The rising demand for complementary medicine. Nursing Econ 17(5):246–256, 1999.


Learn all you can about Energy Healing Medicines. As for this article, I think it is pretty good stuff. However, I fully believe that energy healing is NOT simply complimentary healing but full on HEALING, Curing. Do your Homework. Not simply supportive intervention or Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies but instead Energy is ALL things. Change your BIO-FIELD, Your Frequency Change your Life.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox
Universal Church of Light
Port Townsend Washington
Psychic Healer

Friday, May 27, 2016

Defend the Free Speech Rights of all Activist Bloggers, Anti-Corruption Bloggers, Alternative Medicine and Whistleblowers in every corner of the WORLD.

Illegal assessing ? You can't share diet advice? Hmmm.. Big Pharma LOST this one. You CAN Give Advice and yes those who help people get well WITHOUT Big Pharma have a First Amendment RIGHT.

This Case was and is a VERY Big Deal. 

YES there is a Food, a Plant, an HERB, an Exercise that has cured someone somewhere of pretty much every disease. They have a Free Speech right to share their experience. Big Pharma and the Controllers of the Establishment FDA Do NOT want you to know about those who have CURED themselves without those Evil prescription drugs and rogue doctors that do not have any respect for the KNOWN Cures that really do Grow on Mother Earth.

Those Blogging about KNOWN Cures, about Alternative Medicine that WORKS and Herbal Remedies as well as those blogging about corruption simply had NO FIRST AMENDMENT Rights, they had to Fight for it. Among those Fighting such battles, one of my favorite case was the Caveman Blogger Case.

Sharing ideas and Advice is Protected FREE SPEECH.

You have a Free Speech right to talk about Food, about things that cured you, or worked for you. And the Big Pharma controlled government superpowers of the Corporation of the United States DO NOT have a legal, moral, constitutional right to SUPPRESS that information, though they have been able to, through controlled media and elite press since the beginning of time.

Caveman Blogger Fights for Free Speech and Internet Freedom

More on the Caveman Blogger Case which is a HUGE WIN for all those who KNOW for SURE that FOOD Cures, Right Eating CURES, Plants ARE Medicine, and that the Great Spirit really did NOT get it wrong and Big Pharma GREED get it right.

“Caveman” blogger wins right to blog advice about food and fitness without a state license

Free Speech VICTORY Case for Bloggers Reporting on WHAT Really Works to CURE Ailments

Defend the Free Speech Rights of all Activist Bloggers, Anti-Corruption Bloggers and Whistleblowers in every corner of the WORLD.  They are the LIGHT. They are the Defenders of the Victims of Corruption and they are Changing the Entire WORLD for the BETTER. Stand up for those Bloggers. Start a Blog, EXPOSE Corruption, Report on the News to YOU. Post Videos and Documented Proof.  You are ALL Media.

Defending the First Amendment in Free Speech for ALL.

Check Out the Crystal Cox Free Speech Case

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Rick Simpson Hemp Oil Protocol For Cancer

"The Rick Simpson Hemp Oil Protocol for Cancer

Several people wondered why I didn’t have an article on hemp oil for cancer. There were two reasons. First, I didn’t have a good protocol and second, I didn’t know the state, province and country laws about making it.
Well, the legality of making hemp oilfor treating cancer is up to the patient, I am not a lawyer. You are on your own to find out the laws in your own state, province or country.
But someone finally broke the code and gave me a good cure. The cure is by Rick Simpson.
I haven’t used it, but I have found some good links, and plenty of evidence, for the reader to consider:
Here are some discussions about the cure:
Discussions and Testimonials of Rick Simpson Protocol
A YouTube video on the treatment, with testimonials:
YouTube video of treatment with testimonials
YouTube video on how to make Rick Simpson hemp oil:
YouTube video of how to make Rick Simpson hemp oil
A website on how to make Rick Simpson Hemp Oil:
How To Make Rick Simpson Hemp Oil
A YouTube video on how to make hemp oil by Rick Simpson, if you cannot buy it:
How To Make Hemp Oil – Rick Simpson
Websites that sells Hemp Oil:
CBD Shack
Bluebird Botanicals

Juicing Cannabis

Here is a YouTube video on juicing cannabis:
Juicing Cannabis


This is a cancer research article. The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. does not have the funds or time to keep track of local, federal, state and other laws regarding the ownership and possession of hemp oil. Thus, we cannot be responsible for the local, federal, state and other laws regarding the ownership, possession and use of hemp oil. The user must be responsible for all legal aspects of the ownership, possession and use of this product."
Source and More

More Research Links

The Rick Simpson Story: Healing Cancer with Cannabis

Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Cesium Chloride Protocol, DMSO and More on Alternative Cancer Therapies

"Introduction to pH Therapy (a.k.a. Cesium Chloride Protocol)

When it comes to treating advanced cancers, fast growing cancers, cancers that have spread significantly, high fatality cancers, cancers which have spread to the bones, etc., the cesium chloride protocol is one of the most proven cancer treatments in existence. This treatment can be used on patients withall stages of cancer, from Stage I to Stage IV, even if they are being fed by feeding tubes or I.V.

The only downside to this treatment is the potential for swelling and inflammation caused by the immune system attacking cancer cells which are in the process of dying.
The good news is that experts in this protocol know how to adjust doses and add other products to keep the swelling and inflammation at safe levels.
Because of the many situations cancer patients find themselves in, this is one alternative cancer treatment in which the vendor (who is usually the person teaching the cancer patient how to safely and effectively use this protocol for their situation) is very important. In fact, the vendor has a moral obligation to the patient to teach them how to use this product for their situation.
Anyone can sell cesium chloride, and anyone can read this article and a few other articles like it. However, the key to a successful cancer treatment using cesium chloride is two things:

1) Using the best brand of cesium chloride,
2) Working with the best of the experts, usually by telephone
Actually, if you find the best expert he or she will know the best product, so really the key issue is the second issue.

The cesium chloride expert this website endorses is Essense of Life (the spelling is correct). They have been working with cancer patients, via telephone support, for several years and has worked with several thousand cancer patients.
The vendor’s telephone support is free, but for legal reasons they can only provide support for those they sell products to.
My point to mentioning the vendor’s experience is very clear: When there is a conflict between what any article on cesium says, and what the vendor tells you,always go with what the vendor tells you. Vendors are far more current with using the treatment.
Contact information for the vendor will be given below.
While the safety warnings in this article are probably stronger than they need to be, they will give you an idea of what to watch out for. The vendor will be more realistic as to the warnings. It is actually a very safe and easy to use treatment.
Some people are reluctant to go on cesium chloride because of the safety warnings. Look at it this way: if you have advanced cancer your chance of survival with orthodox medicine is virtually ZERO percent. Yes, ZERO. Also, with advanced cancer there arevery fewalternative cancer treatments that will give you a fighting chance. This is one of those rare treatments that will give very advanced cancer patients a chance of survival!!

Understanding Cancer

Cancer cells are known to be anaerobic, meaning they ferment oxygen rather than burn oxygen. When the level of oxygen that gets into a normal cell becomes too low, or the ATP molecule count gets too low, a normal cell will convert into becoming anaerobic.
A Nobel Prize was awarded for proving that cancer cells are anaerobic, meaning they do not burn glucose, but rather they ferment glucose in order to get their ATP energy.
  • “Over seventy-five years ago Dr. Otto Warburg published a Nobel Prize winning paper describing the environment of the cancer cell. A normal cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take up oxygen to convert glucose into energy by oxidation. In the absence of oxygen the cell reverts to a primitive nutritional program to sustain itself, converting glucose, by fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers thecell pH(acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division? the cancer cells begin to multiply unchecked. The lactic acid simultaneously causes intense local pain and destroys cell enzymes. Therefore, cancer appears as a rapidly growing outer cell mass with a core of dead cells.”
In the absence of oxygen, glucose undergoes fermentation to create lactic acid. This causes the cell pH to drop from between 7.3 to 7.2 down to 7 and later to 6.5; in more advanced stages of cancer and in metastases the pH may drop to 6.0 and even 5.7.

Dr. Warburg stated:
  • “But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause be. On the contrary,there is no disease whose prime cause is better known,so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention. That prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt, for man wishes to survive. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field.In the meantime, millions of men must die of cancer unnecessarily.Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg in a meeting of Nobel Laureates, June 30, 1966See:

The nature of cancer cells, acidity, is the very thing which cesium chloride addresses!! In terms of pure theory, especially with regards to stopping the spread of cancer, cesium chloride is one of the best cancer treatments.

The History of Cesium Used in Cancer Treatments

The theory behind the cesium treatment for cancer is largely the result of Dr. A. Keith Brewer, PhD. However, it should be noted that during his time apowdered formof cesium was being used, not a liquid ionic form.

The cesium used back then (probably cesium carbonate) was not as powerful, gram for gram, as today’s more potent liquid ionic cesium chloride. Thus, donotuse any treatment doses which were designed for powdered cesium. use the doses given by your vendor who has a great deal of experience setting doses. This is especially true if inflammation or swelling is a potential problem.

The key issue is how big the clusters of cesium atoms are. If the cluster is too big, as it frequently is with the powdered versions, virtually none of the cesium gets inside the cancer cells. Cesium simply doesn’t work unless it does get inside the cancer cells.

Cesium has been proven to get into cancer cells, when other nutrients cannot. The cesium:
1) Makes the cancer cells alkaline (Note: the BLOOD is NOT made alkaline, only the inside of the cancer cells),
2) Limits the intake of glucose into the cell (thus starving the cell and making the cell “sick” from lack of food),
3) Neutralizes the lactic acid (which is actually what causes the cell to multiply uncontrollably), and
4) Stops the fermentation process, which is a second affect of limiting the glucose.
A practitioner of cesium chloride was Hans A. Nieper, M.D., (1928-1998), who practiced in Hannover, Germany. Many celebrities and executives from America went to Germany to be treated by Dr. Nieper, including one President of the United States.
Liquid ionic cesium chloride works by making cancer cells highly alkaline, typically 8.0 and above, thus making them so “sick” the immune system may attack and kill them.
Cesium chloride not only kills cancer cells indirectly, it immediately stops the metastasis of the cancer; can start shrinking tumor masses within weeks; and almost always stops the pain of cancer within 24 to 48hours, depending on what is causing the pain.
Technically, the cesium chloride does notdirectlykill the cancer cells. What is does is allow the immune system to kill the cancer cells. When you see a statement that cesium chloride does not kill cancer cells, that is at least partially correct.
However, it is also probable that cesium chloride reverts cancer cells into normal cells. This can happen if the cesium chloride kills the microbes inside the cancer cells (by its high alkalinity) and the cancer cells are thus able to revert into normal cells. This is actually the ideal way to cure cancer because there is far less debris for the body to get rid of.
See the “What Causes Cancer” article, linked to on the left side-bar, to understand the theory behind the above statements.
Exactly what percentage of the cancer cells are killed by the immune system or what percentage are reverted into normal cells is unknown. The point to make is that the protocol is very effective.
  • “Many tests on humans have been carried out by [the late] H. Nieper in Hannover, Germany … as well as by a number of other physicians. On the whole, the results have been very satisfactory. It has been observed that all pains associated with cancer disappear within 12 to 24 hr, except in a very few cases where there was a morphine withdrawal problem that required a few more hours.
I should note that I do not know where any cesium doctors are right now. Dr. Nieper has passed away. The only cesium protocol I know of is Essense of Life (spelling is correct), which is a home treatment.
The Cesium Chloride Protocol directly targets cancer cells. Normal cells do not ingest the cesium chloride.
When needed; especially for cancer patients who cannot take the cesium chloride orally; DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)allows cesium chloride to get inside the body transdermally (i.e. through the skin).
For more information, here is a good article. You will note in this article that the cesium treatment achieved a 50% cure rate on VERY advanced cancer patients, some already in a coma. You will also note that the doctors gave very high doses of cesium. The article states that “cesium chloride” was used in the study, however, the original study does not use the term “cesium chloride.” In any case, 47 of the 50 patients were “hopeless,” and some had only DAYS to live. Here is the article:
The original article was: “Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior. Vol. 21. Suppl. I, pp. 7 – 10. 1984.” The original published article had been modified by the editor.
Here are websites with more information about the ground-breaking research of Dr. Brewer. The first link is to an article which starts out highly technical, but does become readable later on:

Read More

Source and More

more on Cesium and Cancer

Using DMSO With Cesium Chloride

When DMSO is needed with cesium chloride, it is important to understand how to take them together. The vendor will explain the safety rules and how to use the cesium chloride with the DMSO.
While DMSO is very non-toxic, it can be mildly dangerous to handle, so it is absolutely critical to read this article which covers the safety warnings about using DMSO ( should NOT be used by pregnant women or women who might be pregnant, it should not touch cloth or gloves, etc. – see the article):

Other Great Research Links

Cancer Documentary

Cesium Chloride protocol for stage 4 bone and lymph cancer

Gerson Therapy: COMPREHENSIVE TALK by Charlotte Gerson

The Gerson Miracle - Cure all ailments by simply changing your diet.